Style book : a compilation of rules governing executive, congressional, and departmental printing - SCSU Rare Book Room:LIB USE ONLY
Z 253 U6 1993 : CCSU, SCSU, StLib, WCSU
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:MISSING, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU H REF:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU HAAS:DUE 08-04-08 +1 HOLD
Z 253 U69 1982
The Chicago manual of style : for authors, editors, and copywriters CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib GIRS Reference:LIB USE ONLY
The Chicago manual of style : for authors, editors, and copywriters CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib GIRS Reference:LIB USE ONLY
Z 253 U69 1993
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:MISSING, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU H REF:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU HAAS:DUE 08-04-08 +1 HOLD
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:MISSING, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU H REF:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU HAAS:DUE 08-04-08 +1 HOLD
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:MISSING, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU H REF:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU HAAS:DUE 08-04-08 +1 HOLD
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:MISSING, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU H REF:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU HAAS:DUE 08-04-08 +1 HOLD
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, SCSU Reference:MISSING, SCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU H REF:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU HAAS:DUE 08-04-08 +1 HOLD
Z 253 U69 2003
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Reference Desk:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Ref/Info Desk:LIB USE ONLY, StLib GIRS Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib History Reference:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU H RESERVES:AVAILABLE
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Reference Desk:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Ref/Info Desk:LIB USE ONLY, StLib GIRS Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib History Reference:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU H RESERVES:AVAILABLE
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Reference Desk:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Ref/Info Desk:LIB USE ONLY, StLib GIRS Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib History Reference:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU H RESERVES:AVAILABLE
The Chicago manual of style CCSU Reference:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Reference Desk:LIB USE ONLY, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Ref/Info Desk:LIB USE ONLY, StLib GIRS Reference:LIB USE ONLY, StLib History Reference:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU H RESERVES:AVAILABLE
4 additional entries
Z 253 V94 1952 : StLib, WCSU
Manual of foreign languages : for the use of librarians, bibliographers, research workers, editors, StLib Stacks:LIB USE ONLY, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253 W24 1988 : SCSU
A concise chronology of typesetting developments, 1886-1986 SCSU Oversize Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253 W46 1987
How to spec type / Alex White CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
How to spec type / Alex White CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253 W47 1983
Mastering graphics : design and production made easy / Jan V. White SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Mastering graphics : design and production made easy / Jan V. White SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 K5 1983 : CCSU
Ergonomics for the typesetting industry / Mark C. Killmon CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 L33 1984 : CCSU
How to typeset from a word processor : an interfacing guide / Ronald Labuz CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 L45 1986 : CCSU
Type processing : how to use your word processor to turn text into type CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Handbook of computer-aided composition SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 R8 1988 : CCSU
Digital typography : an introduction to type and composition for computer system design / Richard Ru CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 S42 : SCSU
Fundamentals of modern composition / John W. Seybold SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 S435 1984 : CCSU
The world of digital typesetting / John W. Seybold CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 T96 1987 : CCSU
TIA glossary of typographic & computer terminology CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 V36 1993 : CCSU
Emigre : graphic design into the digital realm / written by Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko, with M CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 W55 2001 : CCSU
Robin Williams design workshop / Robin Williams + John Tollett CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.3 W56 1994 : CCSU
The non-designer's type : insights and techniques for creating professional-level type. / Robin Will CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 A65 G69 1996 : WCSU
Math into LaTeX : an introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTex / George Grätzer WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 A65 G7 1993
Math into TeX : a simple introduction to AMS-LaTeX / George Grätzer SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Math into TeX : a simple introduction to AMS-LaTeX / George Grätzer SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Math into TeX : a simple introduction to AMS-LaTeX / George Grätzer SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 K58 Va : CCSU, ECSU, WCSU
The TeXbook / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 K58 Vb : CCSU, ECSU, SCSU
TEX : the program / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 K58 Vc : CCSU, ECSU, SCSU
The METAFONTbook / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 K58 Vd : CCSU, ECSU, SCSU
METAFONT : the program / Donald E. Knuth CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 K58 Ve : ECSU, SCSU
Computer modern typefaces / Donald E. Knuth ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 B84 1990 : SCSU
LaTeX for scientists and engineers / David J. Buerger SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 G66 2004 : CCSU
The LaTeX companion CCSU Circulation Desk:AVAILABLE, CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 G66 2004 Cd Rom : CCSU
The LaTeX companion CCSU Circulation Desk:AVAILABLE, CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 G663 1997 : CCSU
The LaTex graphics companion : illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript / Michel Goossens, Seb CCSU Stack Level 6:DUE 09-26-08
Z 253.4 L38 G663 2008 : CCSU
The LaTeX Graphics companion / Michel Goossens ... [et al.] CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 G75 1997 : WCSU
Learning LATEX / David F. Griffiths, Desmond J. Higham WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 K66 2004 : ECSU
Guide to LATEX / Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly ECSU Circ. Desk:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 K66 2004 Disc : ECSU
Guide to LATEX / Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly ECSU Circ. Desk:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 L35 1986
LATEX : a document preparation system / Leslie Lamport ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
LATEX : a document preparation system / Leslie Lamport ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
LATEX : a document preparation system / Leslie Lamport ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
LATEX : a document preparation system / Leslie Lamport ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 L35 1994 : CCSU
LATEX : a document preparation system : user's guide and reference manual / Leslie Lamport ; illustr CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 L38 L56 1999 : CCSU
Latex for Linux : a vade mecum / Bernice Sacks Lipkin CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 A27 1990
TEX for the impatient / Paul W. Abrahams with Karl Berry, Kathryn A. Hargreaves ; illustrated by Kat CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
TEX for the impatient / Paul W. Abrahams with Karl Berry, Kathryn A. Hargreaves ; illustrated by Kat CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
TEX for the impatient / Paul W. Abrahams with Karl Berry, Kathryn A. Hargreaves ; illustrated by Kat CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 B67 1992
TEX by example : a beginner's guide / Arvind Borde SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
TEX by example : a beginner's guide / Arvind Borde SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 B67 1993
Mathematical TeX by example / Arvind Borde SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Mathematical TeX by example / Arvind Borde SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 C46 1992 : WCSU
A plain TEX primer / Malcolm Clark WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 D66 1993
TEX : starting from 1 / Michael Doob SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
TEX : starting from 1 / Michael Doob SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 E95 1985 : CCSU
Proceedings of the First European Conference on TEX for Scientific Documentation, 16-17 May 1985, Co CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 K578 1986
TEX : the program / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
TEX : the program / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 K58 1984 : SCSU
The TeXbook / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 K58 1986
The TeXbook / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
The TeXbook / Donald E. Knuth ; illustrations by Duane Bibby CCSU Stack Level 6:AVAILABLE, ECSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
Z 253.4 T47 S28 1995
A TEX primer for scientists / Stanley A. Sawyer, Steven G. Krantz SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
A TEX primer for scientists / Stanley A. Sawyer, Steven G. Krantz SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
A TEX primer for scientists / Stanley A. Sawyer, Steven G. Krantz SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE
A TEX primer for scientists / Stanley A. Sawyer, Steven G. Krantz SCSU Stacks:AVAILABLE, WCSU HAAS:AVAILABLE